Your Strongest Self

How Much Variety Should You Have in Your Workouts?

Dr. Sam Chernak, DPT Episode 5

Are you struggling with reaching your fitness goals? ​​With everyone having access to apps like peloton and youtube, we are provided with an endless amount of different workouts. We can switch things up and do different workouts on the regular, and while this can feel fun to switch things up and keep it fresh, theres also a chance that having too much variety in your workouts is holding you back from hitting your goals, particularly if you are experiencing pain during or after working out.

Come listen in to learn how you can maintain that variety in your workouts, while also taking the time to focus and allow your tissues to get stronger and break through those plateaus. 

If you’re tired of doing different random exercises that aren’t giving you the progress and results you want to see, and you want help in simplifying your workouts, and to make them more focused on your specific goals, and give your body, and nervous system time to adapt and strengthen. I would love to work with you inside my core strong program be sure to get on the waitlist, the link is listed below!

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