Your Strongest Self

Effective Core Strengthening for Back Pain

September 05, 2022 Dr. Sam Chernak, DPT Episode 7

We are going to chat about this mysterious core, and what it actually does for us and our bodies as a whole. I’m going to share the biggest mistake I see around core training, especially when it comes to back pain. Then I will give you three specific things I want you to consider implementing in your core strengthening routine now that will make a significant difference for you long term.

We are going to talk about some high-level, big-picture stuff, but I will also give you some really specific recommendations.

I frequently get questions about core strength, like “What exercises should I be doing for back pain? Why can’t I feel my abs engage?”. These questions that I get regarding core strength inspired me to create a new free five-day connected core challenge that you can sign up for below. Within this challenge, I will answer all of those questions for you, as well as teach you my favorite core exercises for back pain specifically that will help you jumpstart your workout routine. Can’t wait to see you there!

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