Your Strongest Self

Back Pain and Business - How My Own Healing Journey Changed My Business

November 14, 2022 Dr. Sam Chernak, DPT Episode 17

I’m getting vulnerable in this episode, friends. I’m sharing things I haven’t shared publicly because I’ve been scared. I’ve been scared of what other people will think. I’ve been scared to stray from the pack. But I’ve been feeling this deep calling to share my story so that’s what I’m doing today! 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • My career change from public relations to physical therapy
  • How my back pain came out of nowhere (and why)
  • What led me to start my own PT practice
  • How my PT practice has evolved in 3 short years
  • How I’ve come full circle in my business and how I’m creating my own definition of what ‘holistic physical therapy' is.


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Thanks for being here!

Dr. Sam 


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