Your Strongest Self

Energy healing, Reiki and Connection with Stephanie Hunter-Dines

December 19, 2022 Dr. Sam Chernak, DPT Episode 22

Does Reiki or energy healing seem mysterious to you? Maybe you have doubts and you’re thinking - does this stuff actually WORK?! I used to think that way, too until I personally experienced the power of energy healing. If you’re curious to learn more about Reiki and energy healing - you’re going to LOVE this episode!


I’m sobexcited to introduce you to my friend, Stephane Hunter-Dines, a Reiki master, energy healer, and animal activist. In this episode, Steph shares her back pain journey, including going through back surgery, and how energy work played a role in her healing. 


Steph also shares about her passion for animals, her calling to take a more active role in animal activism, and an exciting personal update!


Connect with Stephanie  to learn more from her on Instagram and her website:

Stephanie’s Instagram:

Stephanie’s website: 


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Thanks for being here,

Dr. Sam 



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